We don’t Do French and thanks but No thanks Mr Williamson

We don’t Do French and thanks but No thanks Mr Williamson by Hatim El-Madani*

Sudan politics are rarely conducted with the decorum attained in certain other land, but here for the contrary since our country gained independence from the United Kingdom fifty four years ago, we are all with no exception blindly indulged in blaming every issue we couldn’t solve and every short coming, not on our poor governing and administration quality but on Britain. We ended up leading the country from a renowned stable African state to a starving, war ridden one, today torn apart by injustice greed corruption and hatred.

And when we look back after we ruined it in comparison to our colonial period, we found too late then the British did not have economic incentive for involving in Sudan, but willingly not forcefully we are brain-washed by all nationalist partisans and dictators who followed to sing along; the conventional caricature of the greedy imperialist grabbing the raw materials of the less developed countries even when it has no application through all those fifty-plus years that followed.

But so does Britain and most Europeans rightly or wrongly since washing their hands off all former Africa colonies applied the Don’t wanna know or don’t care two pence attitude.

Now we are all scream, for Kenya, Zimbabwe, Uganda, or for Darfur; how can decent nations stand by and take no action?

Obviously pleased by the UK pledges to the UN in regards to feature dealing with Africa last week, again I found myself standing alone in arguing that dealing with Africa’s chronic problems through proxies like the NGOs instead of training locals or sending a bunch of UN tour of duty tourist soldiers ignorant about land, tribalism, roots and culture to sort disputes out, or the baffling wisdom in pouring unaccountable and none direct administrated generous international governments financial development aid, is nothing but waste of efforts and goodwill.

Now Darfur and it seems Britain is ready to take the direct approach at least for now in hosting the Darfur peace circus wagon. But I am not here going to over-simplify the task awaiting Britain’s courageous offer to end the infighting in Darfur for the sack of elevating the suffering of the dispossessed and forgotten people there. And so for another circus like Abuja and Libya not to take place here in London we ought to understand that some of the parties in this conflict dont like the truth. it forces them to face unpleasant facts. Beside what we all learned by now from the circus of Abuja, where foolishly the majority of Darfur inhabitant were excluded and not represented ,sadly this happened because some external media and individuals from the comfort of their armchairs enjoyed demonising the large sections of the region inhabitant in portraying the conflict on the racial phobic lines of post Sep.11 and as Arab and Janjaweeds and ignoring the many tribes whom are not armed and within the government controlled areas so not represented in the battlefields as if they dont exist .

But any will tell you if you are not already educating yourself enough about the history of the region or from others experiences in governing the region be it Chinese Gordon or Salatin Basha or Ali Dinar or Wingate or the successive incompetent ten governments that followed them. Any unjust peace, one that does not take into account the legitimate interests of these left out tribes who are the majority, will last no longer than it takes them to prepare for a new round of conflict.

The most scandalous of Abuja circus beside none neutral mediators i.e. Eretria, Chad and Libya also was the participation of a number of flouters and individuals whom are basically happen to be the so called educated Darfuri but economic refugees in Europe and the US, some happen to leave Sudan as earlier as the 80s to the middle east before moving to Europe or the US in the late 90s to claim asylum falsely as victims of the Nuba mountains atrocities or the many causes then there, doing so by using all unfounded exaggerated stories they tends to fill their applications with ,cashing on the real victims miseries back home, and after a while starting to believe and stick to their lies and move on to fabricate or adopt another, when they were not even present, then or during, just happen to be from there and have no connection whatsoever with the conflict a part from establishing later phone-in contact with relative or bandits and armed robbers or with the illiterate commanders on the ground and offering to represent them as movements of librations in Abuja, Tanzania or Libya where each of them want to become a warlord or the new chalabi of Sudan, and I am not just pointing fingers here but sad facts.

Now we understand the UN representatives some of them scouted the ground there to give a clear picture about the weight of these groups and what they stand for and who could represent them, and what they got to offer better to their people, also this my prove to be difficult but the message form London should be clear and loud; bandits and organised armed robbers and flouters and the so called Sudan expertise need not to attend.

And as we have seen all sides perception and willingness to continue fighting is often unknown, as some of these bandits militia care less about the people suffering on the ground or the country struggle against this regime but their goal is into sharing the power and personal wealth with the illegal regime of the so called Islamist of Sudan, this if they are not already auctioned by now their own people feature recourses to the deceitful multi national oil and minerals death investors companies as we have found out in the case of the SPLA after the deformed CPA agreements where companies with two million dead humans blood on their hands who financed the arms for brothers to kill each other were even profiting after with interest !.

The opportunity of getting together in London if all sides need to want peace enough should yield a lasting and fair Comprehensive Peace Agreement For All Sudan ,And the conditions of any coming peace must also appear to take into account the interest of all the people in Sudan or at least reasonable to all former legitimate democratically elected representatives of the people on the ground there at least form the last known if left unblemished democratically elected representatives , from the main now oppositions parties especially the NDA the Umma and the,UDP leaders and their demands must be included and they are encouraged to participate, However the negotiation will not succeed also if the underlying issues which sprouted not in 2003 but long before and during the governing of these traditional parties is not addressed in regard to clans favouritism, wealth distribution and tribal boundaries and borders movements for resources, these and many are not irrational factors.

I also noted since Gordon Brown offer announced ,the US stepped in direct talk with its friends from the regime in Rome with press conferences and interviews portraying Al-Bashir regime and his ministers some of whom are the remnants of the former Numeiri regimes crooks, as avaricious to help shift journalistic and Sudan public opinion, nowhere (cowboy), they could be assured this did not change the situation on the ground, where people have longed for generations to see an end to this vicious murderers and morally bankrupt government, and the sooner we see an international agreement on how to bring about a robust justice so to put them on trial and to recover all assets belonging to the Sudanese people that stashed overseas using every confiscations law available and travel ban for all those involved in these crimes against our people and those who embezzled billions of pounds from illegals commissions, or the sale of Sudan oil and national resources, arms trade, Durah ,destructions of habitat and environment and the list goes on.. Since the 1980s is a must.

The regime has run-out of tricks to frustrate us or the international will, their leadership is already psychologically defeated, after the ill-return to savagedom in the south and Darfur where it made them look militarily incompetent and now only looking to bail-out its criminals, and we have seen this move lately by the same person who suppose to lead the coming government negotiation team, and how he feverishly seeking to adopt internal racial agendas and warmongering propaganda to divide the country ,this must never be allowed ,we should all step-up to enthuse the Sudanese people with afresh pride and sense of purpose for a peaceful prosperous feature that will soon arrive after the removal of this cancer forever.


Hatim El-Madani*


Why wait till 2011 the door is a jar!!

Why wait till 2011 the door is a jar!! by Hatim El-madani*

John Garang once remarked that the SPLM/A (Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army) adopted certain undesirable practices that would tarnish its reputation for years to come. He was right, yet he understated the truth. Beyond human rights violations, the SPLM/A, throughout the war, relied heavily on looting and received food from international relief agencies at the “refugee” camps. Recruits were indoctrinated to live by the barrel of a gun, and even the SPLA “graduation song” contained disturbing themes:

“Even your mother, give her a bullet!
Even your father, give him a bullet!
Your gun is your food; your gun is your wife.”

Military training is dehumanizing by nature, preparing individuals to kill others, but the SPLM/A took it to an extreme, fostering a callous attitude towards civilians. This attitude was designed to ensure the survival of its fighters and to create an environment where joining the SPLM/A was seen as the only option for the starving. When atrocities occurred, the organization’s propaganda machine would often blame Khartoum. This behavior is common in many wars, yet the SPLM/A showed little determination to eradicate such conduct.

Despite the peace agreement, incidents like those in Rumbake, Malkal, Juba, Abyei, and the attempted assassination of the former foreign minister indicate that violence persists. The SPLM/A’s continued purchase of arsenals, air defense systems, fighter jets, and tanks from Ukraine and Russia has not contributed to peace but has instead fueled further conflict. This behavior enriches arms traders but does little to promote peace in the South.

The reality of South Sudan contrasts sharply with the speeches heard during government forums. Many donors, especially those from the US, Scandinavia, or the Arab Muslim League, have been manipulated by the SPLM/A’s disinformation campaigns. These generous but often naive benefactors have inadvertently funded a conflict rooted in tribalism and religious animosity, where the beneficiaries are often the arms and energy traders.

The killings in South Sudan have elements of both Christian versus Islamist conflict and deep-seated tribalism that has existed for centuries. Today, South Sudanese live with a crippling fear of another Rwanda-like genocide, with an environment where everyone is considered an enemy unless they belong to the same tribe. Many tribes, such as the Azandi, the Shilluk, and the Nuba Mountains, remain silent, fearing that speaking out might lead to further internal fragmentation and conflict. These tribes are aware that previous tribal conflicts often resulted in large-scale violence and that peace requires compromise and coexistence.

However, there is hope. Many within and outside the Government of South Sudan (GOSS) recognize the need to move beyond tribalism, militarism, and selfishness. They are working toward a future where all of South Sudan’s tribes can coexist peacefully and where the north and south can rebuild a unified Sudan. Despite this, tribalism and militarism continue to threaten the region’s stability, with the ongoing risk of further conflict.

For those advocating for the South’s secession from Sudan, the neighboring regions, like northern Uganda, Zaire, and Kenya, provide stark lessons in tribal feudalism. The situation in South Sudan has made many in the north reconsider the cost of unity, leading some to believe that it might be better to let the South go than to endure another protracted and costly conflict. Despite these challenges, the fight for peace and unity continues, with those dedicated to a brighter future for all Sudanese.
Hatim El-madani*

© Copyright by SudaneseOnline.com

Britain to Darfur in daresay France it out

Britain to Darfur in daresay France it out by Hatim El Madani*

Sudan politics are rarely conducted with the decorum attained in certain other land, but here for the contrary since our country gained its independent from the United Kingdom fifty four years ago, we are all with no exception blindly indulged in blaming every issue we couldnt solve and every short coming, not on our poor governing and administration quality but on Britain. We ended up leading the country from renowned stable African state to starving, war ridden one, today torn apart by injustice greed corruptions and hatred.

And when we looked back after we ruined it in comparisons to our colonial period, we found too late then the British did not had economic incentive for involving in Sudan, but willingly not forcefully we are brain- washed by all nationalist partisans and dictators who followed to sing along; the conventional caricature of the greedy imperialist grabbing the raw materials of the less developed countries even when it has no application through all those fifty-plus years that followed.

But so does Britain and most Europeans rightly or wrongly since washing their hands off all former Africa colonies applied the Dont wanna know or dont care twopence attitude.

Now we all screaming, for Kenya, Zimbabwe, Uganda, or for Darfur; how decent nations stand by and take no action?

Obviously pleased by the UK pledges to the UN in regards to feature dealing with Africa last week, again I found myself standing alone in arguing that dealing with Africa chronic problems through proxies like the NGOs instead of training locals or sending a bunch of UN tour of duty tourist solders ignorant about land, tribalism, roots and culture to sort disputes out, or the baffling wisdom in pouring unaccountable and none direct administrated generous international governments financials development aid, is nothing but waste of efforts and goodwill.

Now Darfur and it seems Britain is ready to take the direct approach at least for now in hosting the Darfur peace circus wagon. But I am not here going to Over-simplify the task await Britain courageous offer to end the infighting in Darfur for the sack of elevating the suffering of the dispossessed and forgotten people there. And so for another circus like Abuja and Libya not to take place here in London we ought to understand that some of the parties in this conflict dont like the truth. it forces them to face unpleasant s facts. Beside what we all learned by now from the circus of Abuja, where foolishly the majority of Darfur inhabitant were excluded and not represented ,sadly this happened because some external media and individuals from the comfort of their armchairs enjoyed demonising the large sections of the region inhabitant in portraying the conflict on the racial phobic lines of post Sep.11 and as Arab and Janjaweeds and ignoring the many tribes whom are not armed and within the government controlled areas so not represented in the battlefields as if they dont exist .

But any will tell you if you are not already educated yourself enough about the history of the region or from others experiences in governing the region be Chinese Gordon or Salatin Basha or Ali Dinar or Wingate or the successive incompetent ten governments that followed them. Any unjust peace, one that does not take into account the legitimate interests of these left out tribes whom are the majority, will last no longer than it takes them to prepare for a new round of conflict.

The most scandalous of Abuja circus beside none neutral mediators i.e. Eretria, Chad and Libya also was the participation of a number of flouters and individuals whom are basically happen to be the so called educated Darfuri but economic refugees in Europe and the US, some happen to leave Sudan as earlier as the 80s to the middle east before moving to Europe or the US in the late 90s to claim asylum falsely as victims of the Nuba mountains atrocities or the many causes then there, doing so by using all unfounded exaggerated stories they tends to fill their applications with ,cashing on the real victims miseries back home, and after a while starting to believe and stick to their lies and move on to fabricate or adopt another, when they were not even present, then or during, just happen to be from there and have no connection whatsoever with the conflict a part from establishing later phone-in contact with relative or bandits and armed robbers or with the illiterate commanders on the ground and offering to represent them as movements of librations in Abuja, Tanzania or Libya where each of them want to become a warlord or the new chalabi of Sudan, and I am not just pointing fingers here but sad facts.

Now we understand the UN representatives some of them scouted the ground there to give a clear picture about the weight of these groups and what they stand for and who could represents them, and what they got to offer better to their people, also this my prove to be difficult but the message form London should be clear and louder; bandits and organised armed robbers and flouters and the so called Sudan expertise need not to attend.

And as we have seen all sides perception and willingness to continue fighting is often unknown, as some of these bandits militia cares less about the people suffering on the ground or the country struggle against this regime but their goal is into sharing the power and personal wealth with the illegal regime of the so called Islamist of Sudan, this if they are not already auctioned by now their own people feature recourses to the deceitful multi national oil and minerals death investors companies as we have found out in the case of the SPLA after the deformed CPA agreements where companies with two million dead humans blood on their hands whom financed the arms for brothers to kill each other were even profiting after with interest !.

The opportunity of getting together in London if all sides need to want peace enough should yield a lasting and fairer Comprehensive Peace Agreement For All Sudan ,And the conditions of any coming peace must also appear to take into account the interest of all the people in Sudan or at least reasonable to all former legitimates democratically elected representatives of the people on the ground there at least form the last known if left unblemished democratically elected representatives , from the main now oppositions parties especially the NDA the Umma and the,UDP leaders and their demands must be included and they are encouraged to participates, However the negotiation will not succeed also if the underlying issues which sprouted not in 2003 but long before and during the governing of these traditional parties is not addressed in regard to clans favouritism, wealth distribution and tribal boundaries and borders movements for resources, these and many are not irrational factors.

I also noted since Gordon Brown offer announced ,the US stepped in direct talk with its friends from the regime in Rome with press conferences and interviews portraying Al-Bashir regime and his ministers some of whom are the remnants of the former Numeiri regimes crooks, as avaricious to help shift journalistic and Sudan public opinion, nowhere (cowboy), they could be assured this did not change the situation on the ground, where people longing for generations to see an end to this vicious murderers and morally bankrupt government, and the sooner we see an international agreement on how to bring about a robust justice so to put them on trail and to recover all assets belonging to the Sudanese people that stashed overseas using every confiscations law available and travel ban for all those involved in these crimes against our people and those who embezzled billions of pounds from illegals commissions, or the sale of Sudan oil and national resources, arms trade, Durah ,destructions of habitat and environment and the list goes on.. Since 1980s is a must.

The regime has run-out of tricks to frustrate us or the international will, their leadership is already psychologically defeated, after the ill-return to savagedom in the south and Darfur where it made them look militarily incompetent and now only looking to bail-out its criminal, and we have seen this move lately by the same person who suppose to lead the coming government negotiation team, and how he feverishly seeking to adopt internal racial agendas and warmongering propaganda to divide the country ,this must never be allowed ,we should all step-up to enthuse the Sudanese people with afresh pride and sense of purpose for a peaceful prosperous feature that will soon arrive after the removal of this cancer forever.

Hatim El Madani*

No more Malesh we welcome the ICC move

Last Updated: Oct 27, 2009 – 9:33:43 PM

No more Malesh we welcome the ICC move

Sudan is known for its laid-back attitude, often summed up by the word “Malesh,” which means “never mind” or “it doesn’t matter.” But that’s changing. Now, justice is what matters, and it must not only be served but seen to be served. This is the first step towards a just and stable Sudan, where the people can live in peace and security.

The regime’s reaction to the ICC’s move was as predictable as the final days of the infamous Numairi regime. Omar al-Bashir and his supporters might have fooled themselves into believing they could get away with their old tricks, but not everyone was so gullible. Some of his followers are beginning to realize that justice is catching up with them, and they can no longer twist their way out of accountability.

It worries me to think that these criminals are Sudanese or, even worse, Muslims. It’s as if they’ve become numb to the crimes they’ve committed, or that they’ve ordered, or that were carried out by their loyalists. How do they sleep at night?

Like many Sudanese, I feel ashamed by the tarnishing of our country’s name, stained with words like “terrorist,” “fanatic,” “racist,” “genocide,” and “starvation.” This is what the regime has brought upon us, and it needs to end.

For nearly four decades, we’ve been sickened by the lack of accountability among these military dictators and their cronies, and even more by the militias, warlords, and financial criminals who have made our lives miserable. Since the honorable uprising of March-April 1985, there has been a daily prayer whispered by the starving, the homeless, and those in refugee camps: “Rabana yantagim lina min Al-sadanah Tujar Al-Aish wa El-Deen.” In other words, “God, avenge us from the regime’s fanatics, the religious manipulators, and the merchants of grain.” This is why the regime’s leaders must face justice, and why every honest Sudanese has a duty to ensure that the promise of the 1985 uprising is not broken.

There are a million reasons why ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo should add more names to the list of Sudanese war criminals. Despite the noise and confusion created by fanatical protesters, this is no longer a matter of nationalism. We’ve tried to reason with the regime, explaining that the root of Sudan’s crisis lies with them. But they didn’t care about anyone’s feelings, even when we spoke their language.

Sudan has seen no peace since these fanatics with their imported ideologies took power. For centuries, our people adhered to Sufi traditions, embracing tolerance with Christians and Jews, whom Islam considers “People of the Book.” Yet during this regime, these precepts offered little protection for non-Muslims and even less for those in places like Darfur.

The ICC’s focus on human rights violations and religious oppression is just the beginning. There is a criminal network of thousands who have siphoned off Sudan’s resources, hiding their loot in banks abroad. That’s why we call on the international banking system, particularly in Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Malaysia, Japan, China, South Africa, Egypt, and the Gulf States, to take a stand against these financial crimes.

As for the ongoing war in Darfur, it’s clear that neither the warring factions nor the international community is seriously interested in ending it. Rebel leaders who have stained their hands with the blood of their own people should not be mistaken for a hopeful future.

The international community must step up, not only to protect the people of Darfur but also to ensure the safety of aid workers and international troops on the ground. The people of Sudan are smoldering, waiting for a spark to ignite them into action.

Finally, if peace is to prevail, the 1990 Cairo Agreement must be implemented, ensuring that no party or group can stand for election on religious, tribal, or racial lines. The future of Sudan depends on it.

by Hatim El Madani* Sudaneseonline.com

Sheikh Salva Keir “Birneeeta”

Sheikh Salva Keir “Birneeeta” by Hatim El Madani

I remember early 60’s, only few years old in South Sudan, my father one late afternoon decided to try his state “VIP” transport usually provided by the government and comes with it’s feeding and grooming cost as part of the post perks for officials, in line with then the British civil service traditions they inherited, it was actually a tall horse that was well fed and looked after in our government house garden, but never been ridden since my “down to earth with the people Dad “ arrival to take his new post in the town of Wau. me on the back holding tight to him for dear live we headed through the jungle to the near by village, there were this crowed watching a bunch of intoxicated warriors competing in a spear throw tribal match, known in other part of Africa as Isipaphe ,kind of a Javelin throw competition, except of course then in the south nudity is the norms, neither the competitors nor the crowd are wearing any cloths not even the African common string round the waist, decorated their hear with all sorts of birds feathers and painted their faces with colours, we stopped there mesmerised watching the participant twirling around and releasing this loud scream before they throw their spears towards the target hundreds yards away, suddenly this drunken worrier jumping and waving his spear about walked toward us and when he got near my dad and after a silent funny dance in front of him he reached to my dads glasses and removed them carefully , while my dad showing this sort of cool calm mantra ,then the warrior wore the glasses and walked away with them joining the match, we stood there for hours till the match finishes and then the same warrior came toward us doing the same funny dance and again put the glasses back on my dad face pushing them carefully up my Dad nose without saying a word, afterwards we proceed to head back home, by then I couldn’t help to hold back my curiosity and asked my Dad” why this guy did what he did?” He told me the guy is showing him welcoming and respect by wearing his glasses, but he added: “that was stupid of him to wear his medical glasses and try in the same time to hit that target” bet he can’t even see the top of his nose wearing them. Such acts never amused me during the years I spent there and now seen the culture decaying fast I blame not “Canada” but the annoying imitation.
These memories came back to mind when the South Sudan leader Salva Keir went to visit Georg w.Bush at the White House and wore this ”wanna be like you” out of touch westerns cowboy hat that look like cross between a Derby and a Deer stalker, probably persuaded by an out of touch Milliner, even so Abraham Lin Coln’s himself said he only wore that hats because of lack of interest in his appearance, but here Salva think he is making statement!. Watching him on that visit I nearly brusted into laughter, I would have preferred to see him wearing the “twelve gallons “Mexican’s turned Texans hat for his Texas oil thieve friend because that would have been abetter statement, coupled with a smile that says” here come America’s nemesis Che Guevara from a communist fire brand to kiss the A**.. of capitalist exploitive Washington”, in a matter of facts now days all his so called comrades in arms locally known here as “the Hyena’s” or “Stalins mafia-groomed scion” acting like oil tycoons, religious right wing zealout .not to mention the irony of the SPLA communist propagandist turned entrepreneur speak volumes.
Talking about forgotten roots?!, This bunch happen to come from the same area I mentioned earlier where the dress codes not even a Fig leaf but that wouldn’t have been allowed by the Whit house protocols!.Would they?.
No wonder why the US aid to the starving south disclosed earlier happened to include transistors Radio’s and smoking pipes and the developments priority are tourist’s hotels. True the devil makes work from idle hands.
*Hatim El Madani

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